As a co-signer, you are equally responsible for paying back the loan. It is important that you stay up to date on the status of your loan and ensure that the loan remains in good standing.
In order to make payments and have access to loan details, you will need to follow these steps.
Online Payments
1. Contact the original borrower to add a secondary email address and telephone number on their Scratch portal
2. Go to and log in to your account with the secondary email address or telephone number
3. Select which loan you would like to pay, if you have more than one
4. Click Make payment
5. Select your payment source or add a new bank account if necessary
6. Then click Continue
If you are planning to contact us via telephone, we request that your borrower completes a Third-party Authorization form to discuss loan terms and/or make payments over the phone.
To request a Third-party Authorization from, please email us at