When you file for bankruptcy, you receive an automatic stay to stop all actions by any creditors you have. The type of bankruptcy you file may affect which of your debts a creditor may continue or stop collecting.
For your loan here at Scratch, filing for bankruptcy typically means we not contact you or collect on your debt while your bankruptcy is pending. We will update your profile to reflect this update, including the chapter type and your bankruptcy representative’s information.
During this time, you can still access your account to view your statements and update your notification preferences, but you will not receive communications from us to pay on your loan until your case is resolved. You may still make payments on your account if you would like.
When your bankruptcy case is resolved, your loan may or may not be discharged, depending on the resolution of your bankruptcy case. Note that student loans are typically not dischargeable in bankruptcy, meaning that you may still have to pay student loans even if your bankruptcy request is granted.