Adding contact information
- Log in to your account
- In the top right corner, click your name
- Select Account settings
- Click on Add another email or back up phone number
- Enter your new contact information
- Select Save to finish
Editing contact information
Within Account settings, select the field you’d like to change. Then, update your information and click Save to finish.
If you’re updating an email or mobile phone number, you’ll be asked to verify your contact information via a verification code. Until your new information is verified, we won’t send any information to your new contact on file.
Verifying new contact information
To complete adding your new contact, you must verify them. To do so:- Click Verify this email address (or phone number)
A code will be sent your way
Enter the code and click Verify to finish
Deleting your contact information
To do so, select the trash icon on the right of the information you'd like to delete.
If you run into any trouble, please don’t hesitate to contact us.